feel like shit from just now untill now..finally end of all,but i'm not feel better at all! i wonder why he know that..but it's doesn't matter anymore and just only a small problem, i wonder why i'm sad?! make every effort to tell myself okay,but lying to myself! i knew that thing,and i know you care about that,but you said okay! just let it be! for sure i won't be happy when i knew that! my bad =(
just want to shout at here,know what! first time feel like want to run and hiding myself..like just now going to yamcha session,i want to ciao when i heard that! first word in mind is shame~ shame to myself and hate myself! beside that,i start to bite my nails when i feel *shit*! haha..try to keep it long but now tak jadi dah! i'm not angry,just shock and he keep asking me the same topics...so i keep quiet and no expression! but my heart is numb and hurt because our relationship like piece of glasses separated between us,and may be forever or a short period! but how do you know? maybe i think too much!
i wish i can leave malaysia as soon as possible! why?? because of many things..for my future,for my family,for my friends,for myself! some of personal reason! i can't wrote too much..this is the bad thing!! want to keep something for myself! mysterious?? nah......lazy to wrote,cheh..POYO!!! sometime i hate here,sometime i love here! haha..confuse right? but this is my blog,sure need to update my post right! i've no choices! okay...come back for the reason leaving malaysia! sorry..just want to wrote in mandarin..没有特别的!只是想出去散心,学更多的东西!人就是这样,心情不好就吵着要出去~心情好就当着没事发生!我也是同一类!可能我现在心情不怎么好所以就这样想了!其实我心里想了很久,要是我能够出国那有多好啊!只是碍于家里人吧!说过了,这条路就是这样!有许多人不认同的,所以他们也不认同你的想法和做法!就算解释多番还是一样‘得个桔’!!为什么好难说服啊?是我嘴巴太懒了吧,而且又爱开玩笑,所以大家都认为想法还很幼稚!这我不知道,但是我会看人吧,意思是与不同的人,说话方式就不一样!朋友们就开玩笑些,要我认真起来,是可以的!在我认真的时候,可能你会发觉到不一样了!每个人都是样的吧?!
be strong and believe yourself!
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