Sunday, May 29, 2011

great moment.. 260511


260511 (thursday) is a good day,what the f***, i keep blur-ing now!!!haha.....XD !!! anyway,that's the story begin, a guy leave me a great moment, i still remember that even is two days ago!

thanks so much because you really care everything about me! i'm sorry,i didn't tell you what is my feeling to you! you know right,imma shy babo!! XD...... You're so sweet and lovely,although you always hancai but it's doesn't matter, i'm still with you...

i love and i care about you..

u know i was crying because u gotta off to korea very soon! and when we can meet up and chilling together? i tried hold my tears..but i can't! because you know that's really hard to meet each other..

u hugging me and asked me to stop crying! u said don't try to be mad girl keep thinking much! everything will be fine...

a big thank you to AE IN..
you teach me lot,'s really sweet to be with you!

i love you
that's what i want to let you know through here
and thanks to you caring me..can i say so,that's why i'm crying for!

please come back missing you here...


Thursday, May 19, 2011

rainy day...

raining raining...

what you doing there??

chilling with coffee?


playing online game?



anyway, it's really bored when you need to pack a lot of stuff and carried all the stuff GO HERE and GO THERE!!

sometime i love friday much..but sometimes not.. every friday and saturday working with a lot of costume and for sure,i will stayed my friend's house!! this is why i need to bring a lot of things!!

my schedule for friday,saturday and sunday! friday- rehearsal,going off to kl and find my stuff,and show! saturday- going to friend's studio opening and teaching waacking trial class,of course rush to kl for show after my trial class! sunday-no more rest!! 3pm going to puchong for street jam and party till night!!!

thought can rest at home on monday,but warafak!! almost forgot i got class somemore!!


at least i got things to do!!

i won't get bored with it...hahaha

just tiring!!! -.-


i miss shelby much!!! she is my power!!! haha

end up with my pic...=)


Monday, May 9, 2011

the day before...


im happy with that..


i still remember last time how we met,how you be good with me..


i keep telling myself.. seven please forget about it!

but i can't..

still stubborn with it..

finally i know i can't let them away from me..

only time let them fly away from here.

it's a nightmare or ??

i'm sorry with my problem and screw everything up..

and make it worst

it's bad....

i'm sorry

after that

at least i know what's my feeling for u

and u never turn back and looking me

i remember that~

although the feel is wack.

but i'm really glad to know everything about u


should forget you

like a snake with poison

and bring that to me..

although im not dead

but that's hurt..

thank you stranger..

as good as well..

Thursday, May 5, 2011


a song for my mum..and thanks for my friends to sharing this song to me,it's really touching and nice by KZ ( sanGfan生番)
here's the lyrics.
and the link too

sanGfan Presents 容易受傷的女人

容易受傷的女人 by KZ

現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位
現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位
現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位
現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位

有今生 無來世 你我無分
我講緊 係含辛茹苦嘅母親
細細個 我爸爸已經離開咗
得返細佬妹幾個 仲有你同我
學識洗衫 學識換床單
你無望過我一眼 因為每一晚 你都要加班
好少機會坐低 同你慢慢傾計
但我知道你係 好多野收喺心底
你緊張我地 遠遠多過你自己
就晒我哋口味 當自己係後備
粗糙嘅雙手 心裡面嘅傷口
無諗過報酬 有眼淚你將佢倒流
應該係 紀念你好辛苦咁生我出嚟

現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位
現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位
現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位
現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位

你從來唔會講 你個心有幾傷
但我見到你喺房 喊濕咗紙巾幾張
轉嚟嘅係 你額頭上面嘅幾條路軌
仲話只係母親嘅天職 我聽見心都暖埋
我諗你嘅勇敢 係最具美感
天跌落嚟 你笑住咁話當被冚
你成日話 如果喺出面比人蝦
返嚟屋企啦 起碼仲有我呢個阿媽
你成日擔心 我哋會受到傷害
你選擇單身 一個人去建立我哋嘅將來
擔心我哋學壞 擔心喺學運會落敗
擔心我哋出夜街 擔心我哋比人拐帶
我記得你成日話 雖然屋企好細
只要我哋一家 人齊親情係最寶貴

現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位
現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位
現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位
現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位

每當我唔開心 你會想辦法氹返我
你話好感謝神 安排咗你去生我
你收工幾攰都好 返屋企第一件事
就係擁抱 然後陪我哋睇電視
我好感激你 不過無親口對你講
我將我嘅心意 寫成歌詞 然後放喺你房
希望 你明白我並唔係變咗
我依然係我 雖然笑容係唔見咗
可能因為 工作關係 少咗機會見你
同以前一樣 你依然係咁醒訓
同以前一樣 我同你都係似足個餅印
唔想令你哭成淚人 滿面淚痕
今次我要用歌詞 去表達我嘅心聲
一個押韻 代表一朵康乃馨

現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位
現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位
現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位
現在將來 你都一直係 喺我心裡面佔一席位

*happy mother's day*